Thursday, September 6, 2012

Shocking Testimony About Childhood Vaccines!

Shocking and brillant testimony about the dangers of childhood vaccinations given to the United States government by concern citizens. On June 26, 2011 - these courageous (concerned) citizens came together in support of H1055 - a bill proposing to add "parent choice" to the options on whether your child should receive a vaccination or not. This is a human rights issue. We MUST raise awareness about this issue - watch this video NOW and SHARE IT with your friends and family - immediately!
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Influenza: Get the (Antigenic) Drift!

Have you ever wondered why you need a flu vaccination each year? The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases explains the ever-changing nature of influenza viruses.
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Resolving the Health Care Crisis: T. Colin Campbel at TEDxEast!

Dr.Campbell has spent the last 40 years at the forefront of nutrition research. His major research project the China Project is the largest nutrition study ever conducted. Here he shares his ideas to revolutionize our nation's health.

About TEDx: In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations) Thank you for visiting Medicine Men. Link freely but please credit original content.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Mitt Romney on Health Care Debate 2012!

Presentation given at the Cardiovascular Center of the University of Michigan. This is part one of three with former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney on Obamacare Vs Mass-Care: There are two very important points: 1)As Mass-Care stands it is not exactly as designed by Governor Mitt Romney, while he was Governor the bill was pushed through by the state and yet even so it still is working far better than Obamacare. 2)The two are completely different; the Obama camp are frantically trying to disassociate themselves from their own epic failure of Obamacare prior to the 2012 elections.
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Krokodil: Russia's Deadliest Drug!

A homemade drug called Krokodil is gaining popularity in Siberia and its effects on users are horrific. Krokodil is Russian for Crocodile, because of the way addicts' skin begins to get turn scaly, dry and eventually rot right off their bodies. Even most heroin users are frightened by Krokodil and want nothing to do with this
terrifying drug.
Hosted by Alison Severs | Originally released in 2011 Thank you for visiting Medicine Men. Link freely but please credit original content.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Flu Attack: How A Virus Invades Your Body!

When you get the flu, viruses turn your cells into tiny factories that help spread the disease. In this animation, NPR's Robert Krulwich and medical animator David Bolinsky explain how a flu virus can trick a single cell into making a million more viruses.
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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Nanotechnology - Tiny Worlds!

Nanoparticles, nanotechnology, nanomedicine. Modern science can hardly avoid the minuscule particles. But where does the research in medical technology stand and which specific applications are there. went looking for answers.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How Chinese Medicine Can Help with Pain!

Learn how Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM) has many options to help with pain. Nicholas Buscemi, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Practitioner at National Integrated Health Associates, NIHA in Wash. DC.
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Transforming Medicine - Mayo Clinic!

Mayo Clinic president and CEO John Noseworthy speaks at Karolinska Institutet on how Mayo Clinic is transforming the medicine (June 25, 2012).
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What is an "Engineered Organ"?

Dr Tahera Ansari, Senior Clinical Research Scientist at Imperial College London, talks about engineering organs including heart, intestine and trachea at an event organised by TAPb ( Progress in Transplantation, Organ Donation and Research.
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AID$: The Unheard Voices!

Millions of pounds are being plowed into the campaign against "AID$". In the battle against the so called disease, medical research has been almost exclusively devoted to defeating the infamous H-I-V /virus but this dispatch listens to the previously unheard voices of medical science which say HIV is not the cause AIDS. If the HIV theory is misguided both research effort and money are being channeled away from the real cause of the disease and the villification of thousands of people who are "HIV Positive" is not only unjust but cruely wrong.
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Thursday, June 14, 2012

New Clinical Research Treatment for Amblylopia, Strabismus, Lazy Eye!

Have adult amblyopia, strabismus, or both? Watch my video for a new research technique to help improve your vision. Amblyopia means that visual stimulation either fails to transmit or is poorly transmitted through the optic nerve to the brain for a continuous period of time. It can also occur when the brain "turns off" the visual processing of one eye, to prevent double-vision, for example in strabismus (crossed-eyes). It often occurs during early childhood, resulting in poor or blurry vision. Amblyopia normally affects only one eye in most patients. However, it is possible, though rare, to be amblyopic in both eyes, if both fail to receive clear visual images. Detecting the condition in early childhood increases the chance of successful treatment, especially if detected before the age of five. The earlier it is detected, and the underlying cause corrected with spectacles and/or surgery, the more successful the treatment in equalizing vision between the two eyes. Thank you for visiting Medicine Men. Link freely but please credit original content.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Health Reform Explained: "Health Reform Hits Main Street"!

Health care reform explained in "Health Reform Hits Main Street." Confused about how the new health care reform law really works? This short, animated movie -- featuring the "YouToons" -- explains the problems with the current health care system, the changes that are happening now, and the big changes coming in 2014. Written and produced by the Kaiser Family Foundation. Narrated by Cokie Roberts, a news commentator for ABC News and NPR and a member of Kaiser's Board of Trustees. Creative production and animation by Free Range Studios. When watching this video remember that the "government" is really you and I. You will be funding this with your taxes. Thank you for visiting Medicine Men. Link freely but please credit original content.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Can You Eat Healthy At Burger King?

BK's ingredients look like a chemistry experiment, not food. Bryan Marcel shows how to make eating at Burker King healthier. This is the 4th video in his seven part series on fast food. Is Burger King healthy? Is Burger King good for you? Is any fast food actually good for you? The focus of the American diet is calories and fat, when it should be on simple carbohydrates, sugar, HFCS and processed food (lots of chemicals and preservatives). In most cases fast food, such as Burger King is the same low quality processed food that you can buy at a regular grocery store. Burger king food is very highly processed. Burger King uses 55 ingredients, chemicals and additives including artificial flavor to make their grilled chicken patty. It never should take 55 ingredients to make a grilled chicken patty. Most of Burker King's food is highly processed in the same manner. Thank you for visiting Medicine Men. Link freely but please credit original content.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Exercises!

One of the most dehabilitating conditions in the modern era, carpal tunnel syndrome has made lives miserable for men and women alike. Champion Fitness Physical Therapists Jeff Schade and Michael Bennington explain the background of the condition and ways to deal with the problems it may cause, including exercises that anybody can do at home or work. Take some time to look at the secrets behind carpal tunnel.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease of the hand characterized by numbness, tingling, pain, and weakness. The disease typically affects the thumb, index, and middle fingers and is often particularly troublesome at night. A major nerve, specifically the median nerve, travels down the arm and enters the hand through the carpal tunnel, which is located in the central part of the wrist. In people with carpal tunnel syndrome, pressure in the carpal tunnel is higher than in unaffected people, and median nerve irritation occurs. Thank you for visiting Medicine Men. Link freely but please credit original content.

Blood-sucking Insects Cause AIDS-like Epidemic!

Chagas is a tropical disease and has been called the "disease of the poor." It is transmitted through insects nicknamed kissing bugs due to their tendency to infect victims on the lips. Chagas is like AIDS by incubation, treatment and by blood or mother-to-child transmission. About 300 thousand people in the Unites States have been diagnosed with Chagas - which produces parasites in the bloodstream. Parasites that can find their way to the heart and eventually cause heart failure. For many victims of the disease, by the time heart problems show up - it is generally too late. If discovered early, Chagas can be treated with an aggressive 3-month application of moderately expensive drugs. But some feel because the disease only affects the poor there is little incentive for drug companies to find alternative treatments or even a cure. Thank you for visiting Medicine Men. Link freely but please credit original content.

Demand for camel meat in Egypt on the rise amid foot and mouth disease fears!

Egypt's largest camel market located just outside Giza is receiving nationwide attention as cattle across the country suffer from spreading foot and mouth disease. Camel traders flock to Birqash Camel Market with their camel cargoes, as the demand for camel meat is on the rise due to the fear of beef consumption. Camel meat was traditionally seen as a healthier altern ative to beef, due to its low levels of fat and cholesterol, but people are now choosing camel meat for safety rather than health measures. "Now we totally fear cow and cattle meat. So we switched to camel meat. Our cooking and our minced meat and everything is from pure camel meat. We have changed to camel meat after the media's continuous warnings to stop eating meat. I even have heard that the fresh milk is also contaminated with foot and mouth disease." The Birqash camel market opens early in the morning to ensure sales before it gets too hot during the day. The traders import the camels from Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia and Uganda. Thank you for visiting Medicine Men. Link freely but please credit original content.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Results of Tobacco Use in Teens!

While cancer is probably the best known health threat related to smoking, there are many other physical consequences facing teens and other smokers. In this Children's Channel video podcast, Nneka Holder, MD, an adolescent medicine specialist at Akron Children's Hospital, also discusses yellow teeth, wrinkled skin and other ways tobacco ages the appearance.
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Monday, May 28, 2012

Elton John Cancels Vegas Dates Due to Infection!

Singer Elton John was treated in hospital in Los Angeles for a serious respiratory infection that forced him to cancel performances this weekend of his "The Million Dollar Piano" show at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. In a statement posted on his website on Thursday, the British entertainer, whose hits include "Rocket Man," "Your Song" and "Bennie and The Jets," apologized for the decision and told fans he hoped to be performing soon.The singer said he developed a serious respiratory illness while performing on Sunday. After the condition worsened he was hospitalized and had tests at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles where he remained throughout the day on Wednesday. He was given antibiotics and told not to perform for a week.

Get the facts on URTIs with this 100%-accurate animated video. Part of Focus Apps' Understanding Disease: Infectious Diseases & Oncology series, the URTIs app demonstrates infections and inflammation of the sinuses, nasal passages, pharynx, and larynx. URTIs include a range of conditions such as the common cold, rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, and epiglottitis, a life-threatening condition. Explore the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and management of URTIs. Thank you for visiting Medicine Men. Link freely but please credit original content.

Managing High Blood Pressure With Lifestyle Changes!

This video—presented by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health—shows how Kendra, the mother of a teenaged daughter, has learned to manage her high blood pressure. Before being diagnosed with high blood pressure, Kendra suffered from chronic headaches and tiredness. At a health fair sponsored by her company, Kendra learned that her blood pressure was high, which prompted her to see her doctor. After being diagnosed with high blood pressure, Kendra made a commitment to living a healthier lifestyle. By following a healthy diet and being physically active, she lost almost 60 pounds. With the support of her girlfriend and daughter, Kendra has maintained her weight loss and continues to make lifestyle changes that allow her to live an active, happy life.
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Rock Against Cancer Concert in All Cannings!

"Rock Against Cancer" Is a relatively new angle at rasing funds, thought up by John "Grubby" Callis (sound monitor engineer) Andy Scott (The Sweet) and Richard Baulu of The Kings Arms, All Cannings. Their aim is to raise awareness and much needed funds for Cancer Research UK and Above & Beyond Bristol (Oncology Centre). They plan to donate the proceeds from this event which will be somewhere in region of £50,000+ to Cancer Research UK and also make a large donation to Above & Beyond in Bristol. This show is the first of what they hope will become an annual event of raising much needed funds for cancer research and hope that in the future to have many different events running throughout the UK. Link Thank you for visiting Medicine Men. Link freely but please credit original content.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

New Sperm Gene Discovery Could Lead to Male Birth Control!

Women have many options when it comes to birth control, while men don't have any. But all that could change. Researchers have discovered a gene that is essential to the production of sperm. Scientists at the University of Edinburgh found that the gene, called Katnal1, causes temporary infertility in male mice when blocked.

The team gave mice a chemical called ENU that triggers genetic mutations. They then bred the mice to see if any of them became infertile, isolated the impotent mice, and backtracked through their genetic code to identify which gene was disrupted by ENU. The team identified that Katnal1 is used to regulate a structure known as microtubules, which are the parts of sperm needed for nutrients and support. According to the study, this gene could be key in developing birth control for men, and better understanding male infertility. With this key bit of information, scientists say a non-hormonal contraceptive for men may be just five to 10 years away. Thank you for visiting Medicine Men. Link freely but please credit original content.

Mad Cow Disease Found In California!

The first case of Mad Cow disease in the U.S. since 2006 was detected in a dairy cow at a transfer station in Hanford, California.

A non-descript building in the heart of California's dairy country has become the focus of intense scrutiny now that mad cow disease has been discovered in a dead dairy cow. The finding, announced Tuesday, is the first new case of the disease in the U.S. since 2006 — and the fact that the discovery was made at all was a stroke of luck. Tests are performed on only a small portion of dead animals brought to the transfer facility near Hanford. The cow had died at one of the region's hundreds of dairies, but hadn't exhibited outward symptoms of the disease: unsteadiness, incoordination, a drastic change in behavior or low milk production, officials said. But when the animal arrived at the facility with a truckload of other dead cows on April 18, its 30-month-plus age and fresh corpse made her eligible for USDA testing. This animation depicts a current theory on prion proteins and how Mad Cow Disease affects the neurons in a cow's brain. Thank you for visiting Medicine Men. Link freely but please credit original content.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dr Ryan Hatch talks about whiplash neck treatments!

The Spine Research Institute of San Diego is committed to providing research and education in the area of spinal health and injury prevention. They are especially concerned with cervical spine injuries that result from whiplash trauma. In addition to their own research, they constantly monitor and synthesize world literature and are considered the authority on whiplash injuries.

Much of the research now being conducted indicates that even low speed accidents (below 5 mph) can cause serious and immediate damage that can result in long lasting con-sequences. Considerable effort in evaluating each patience's unique situation allows Dr. Hatch to skill-fully determine a professional course of treatment to address the pain and discomfort caused by whiplash. Thank you for visiting Medicine Men. Link freely but please credit original content.

News: Syrian hospital staff torture wounded patients!

Exclusive Channel 4 News footage shows medical staff torturing patients in their beds at the military hospital in Homs.

Hospital medical staff torture wounded patients in accordance with orders of the dictator Bashar Al-Assad in Homs city in Syria 05.02.2012.

Credit 2011 Revolution Syria and Channel 4 Thank you for visiting Medicine Men. Link freely but please credit original content.